I offer expert guidance to create visually appealing websites, tailored to you personally, giving your visitors a coherent impression of you and what you offer.
Modern web frameworks like Eleventy and Astro help me to create websites based on semantic HTML, CSS and JavaScript without the need for databases or server-side languages.
I specialize in creative web design, creating visually stunning experiences: Elegant, responsive websites that are fun and easy to use.
The internet constantly evolves and so do the tools we use to build websites. I make sure that my websites function optimally and are secure over the long term.
The secret for discoverability is to have a website that is great in every way: Technically perfect, fast and secure, clear in terms of structure, with genuinly good copy. I can help you with that.
Let's try to find what it is that differentiates you. Something personal, that refers to the essence or philosophy of the project or product.
What I do
I mainly concentrate on developing things for the web. My approach is semantic HTML, some CSS, and a dash of JavaScript for flavor. I place value on performance, accessibility, simplicity and long term support. Also: websites should be fun!